28th June 1941: Intelligence received from our agents in the field indicated a viable threat to national security this evening. Reports received indicated that Fifth Columnists may be planning to disrupt the war effort of this country by carrying out acts of sabotage to railway crossings and road bridges across our glorious River Thames. In light of this intelligence, the Cabinet War Office ordered an Emergency Stand To of all Home Guard Platoons defending Stop Line Red.
To affect the defence of our transport arteries No.5 Platoon OXF5 mustered at 18:30hrs at its RVP in Goring. Volunteers reported to the Officer of the Day 2/Lt. Chambers, who called the role and reviewed the platoon. Sgt. Quigley carried out weapons safety procedures and ensured volunteers carried out adequate equipment checks including, kit & rations, and supervised as volunteers loaded weapons.
Upon orders from 2/Lt. Chambers the Platoon moved out and carried out a reconnaissance patrol to the Gatehampton pillbox. Upon arrival at the pillbox, defensive positions were assumed and evening duties and roles were carried out:
- Observing the river for boat traffic.
- Observing the GP, keeping an account of anyone who looks out of place.
- Taking an accurate account of numbers using the river & tow path.
- Sending out regular reconnaissance patrols along the towpath for 150 yards in either direction from the Gatehampton pillbox.
Fortunately, the evening passed without encountering any enemy action. Upon the order from the Officer, the platoon moved out from the pillbox site, ensuring no evidence of occupation was left behind which could assist the enemy. The reconnaissance patrol back to RVP via the proven route was recommenced and upon the safe return to RVP, Sgt. Quigley supervised weapons safety procedures and ensured volunteers safely unloaded their weapons and accounted for all ammunition issued.
Living history at its finest.
One response
well done lads.